CNSI 1: Evaluating and Exercising the Brain

Course Guide

Review neuroanatomy and start to associate patient symptoms to brain dysfunction.

Learn how to assess the brain for weaknesses in specific regions. User-friendly charts will be provided to easily start mapping brain dysfunction and incorporate brain exercises within your patients’ plan of care.

Discuss how to use brain-based STG to reach functional LTG.

  • Hierarchy and basic pathways of the central nervous system
  • Brain Regions covered:
    • Lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
    • Cerebellum
    • Right vs Left hemisphere and the horizontal plane.


By the end of the course, you will have a resource binder and the tools to see significant improvements in patient outcomes.

After completing the post-exam, the occupational therapist will be registered as a CNSI Practitioner-level 1.

A level 1 CNSI practitioner will have access to consult with CNSI Certified Practitioners to clarify course material and assist with difficult cases.