CNSI 1: Evaluating + Exercising the Brain – Cleveland, OH Mar 8 – 9, 2024
15 CEU
Upon completion of the class there will be an online exam which you will be required to pass in order to receive the CEU.
- Review Neuroanatomy and Basic Function of CNS Regions
- Regions:
- Cerebellum- Balance, coordination, learned motor tasks. Most motor input travels through cerebellum.
- Parietal Lobe- Where am I in space? Visual-spatial, visualization, proprioception
- Temporal Lobe- Perceive auditory, smell, & taste, language, verbal recall
- Occipital Lobe- visual processing
- Frontal Lobe (prefrontal cortex)- stop button, filter, inhibits, impulse control, starting a task to completion without distraction, working memory, executive function, organization.
- Identify generalized functions of the hemispheres
- Right Brain- abstract, big picture, social thinking, infers.
- Left Brain- concrete/literal, black & white, details, analytical, familiar, dull voice.
- Understand the hierarchy of basic pathways of the CNS, including ipsilateral cerebellum to contralateral cortex.
- Regions:
- Name at least 2 patient symptoms for each brain lobe and the cerebellum.
- Name at least 2 exams for the brain lobes and cerebellum.
- Name at least 2 exercises for the brain lobes and cerebellum.
- Have confidence in using the provided CNSI Resource Binder, including charts and diagrams.
- Learn to map your assessment findings on our CNSI brain map diagram to aid in developing your CNS input POC.
- Learn how to utilize CNS input within the OT POC to reach functional LTG.
- Start to develop a sense of prioritizing your input/exercise using a bottom-up approach.
- Know how to consult with other CNSI Practitioners
Seats Still Available