CNSI 1: Evaluating + Exercising the Brain
15 CEU
Upon completion of the class there will be an online exam which you will be required to pass in order to receive the CEU.
Review neuroanatomy and start to associate patient symptoms to brain dysfunction. Learn how to assess the brain for weaknesses in specific regions. User-friendly charts will be provided to easily start mapping brain dysfunction and incorporate evidence-based brain exercises within your patients’ plan of care. Discuss how to use brain-based STG to reach functional LTG. By the end of the course, you will have a resource binder and the tools to see significant improvements in patient outcomes. After completing the post-exam, the occupational therapist will be registered as a CNSI Practitioner- level 1. A level 1 CNSI practitioner will have access to consult with CNSI Certified Practitioners to clarify course material and assist with difficult cases.
- Hierarchy and basic pathways of the central nervous system
- Brain Regions covered:
- Lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
- Cerebellum
- Right vs Left hemisphere and the horizontal plane.
- Review Neuroanatomy and Basic Function of CNS Regions
- Regions:
- Cerebellum- Balance, coordination, learned motor tasks. Most motor input travels through cerebellum.
- Parietal Lobe- Where am I in space? Visual-spatial, visualization, proprioception
- Temporal Lobe- Perceive auditory, smell, & taste, language, verbal recall
- Occipital Lobe- visual processing
- Frontal Lobe (prefrontal cortex)- stop button, filter, inhibits, impulse control, starting a task to completion without distraction, working memory, executive function, organization.
- Identify generalized functions of the hemispheres
- Right Brain- abstract, big picture, social thinking, infers.
- Left Brain- concrete/literal, black & white, details, analytical, familiar, dull voice.
- Understand the hierarchy of basic pathways of the CNS, including ipsilateral cerebellum to contralateral cortex.
- Regions:
- Name at least 2 patient symptoms for each brain lobe and the cerebellum.
- Name at least 2 exams for the brain lobes and cerebellum.
- Name at least 2 exercises for the brain lobes and cerebellum.
- Have confidence in using the provided CNSI Resource Binder, including charts and diagrams.
- Learn to map your assessment findings on our CNSI brain map diagram to aid in developing your CNS input POC.
- Learn how to utilize CNS input within the OT POC to reach functional LTG.
- Start to develop a sense of prioritizing your input/exercise using a bottom-up approach.
- Know how to consult with other CNSI Practitioners
$365.00 – $395.00